Friday, April 1, 2016



The sun hits the grounds
like the water bounds.
With flowers blooming
The world keeps turning.

Letter Poem 
If you give Q a chance it could,
Look like many things. 
It could look like a bridge leading 
to a castle. Or a spoon 
with whipped cream on top
 What about a target board 
for arrows and darts.
If it was a lower case 
it could be a ladle scooping 
soup into a bowl.
Or a slide for kids to play 
It could be a plate spinning 
on a stick like in the circus. 
Queen, Quarts, Quilt
Quiet, Question, Quick
Quest, Quiver

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Emma was an average girl almost she would be average if she didn’t move once or even sometimes twice a year. That’s okay she had told herself never get to attached to places or people. The one time she did it didn’t change her parents minds about moving. And didn’t end very well with her heart. They still just packed everything up into the car and forced her to leave. They literally ripped her away from her friend kicking and screaming. Never to see each other again. That’s when she learned the hard way never get attached. She doesn’t like talking or thinking about it because it just hurts her. One morning, the sun was rising and it was a beautiful day for six am, because the sky was pink, red, and orange mixed together in streaks across the sky like a painting.
Emma woke-up again later that afternoon got her outfit picked out and make-up ready and hair supplies ready for when she gets out of the shower. She started thinking about the last time they moved and how hard it was to finally fit in. It had been a while since they last moved. She got out of the shower and made sure her outfit looked okay. She put her make-up on it looked perfect. And spent what seemed like hours to make her hair look just as good. Emma walked downstairs to the kitchen where her mom was usually making breakfast, but she wasn’t. “Mom!” Emma yelled throughout the house.
“In here” Emma’s mom called out from her room.
“Why are you in here?” She called back.
“I have the best news!!”
Emma thought it would be something amazing like they are getting a puppy. “What is is Mom?”
“We are moving! Pack up we are leaving tomorrow!”
She knew it was coming she just didn’t wanted to admit it. “I am going to say goodbye to my friends when do you want me home.”
“Okay, have fun be home in time for dinner. I love you!”
“Love you too mom bye.”
Emma ran over to the door, put her shoes on and went over to her car and drove to her friend Scarlet’s house. Opened the door to find her mom sitting on the couch. “Hi Mrs. Warr is Scarlet home I really need to talk to her.”
“Yea, she’s in her room and how many times do I have to tell you call me Haley.” Emma just kept walking she had to tell Scarlet what was happening. Emma walked into her room in tears. She knew that she would be okay without her. But she couldn’t help but think what kind of a friend would leave and not be sad about it.
She sat down on Scarlet’s bed crying. “What happened?”
“My mom just told me we are moving she wants us out by tomorrow morning.”
“What already you have only been here for about… ten months.”
“I know, but my parents always do this to me.”
“Is there anything you can do to change their minds.” Emma didn’t say anything. She knew they would move no matter what she did. She just shook her head. “They can’t keep doing this to you.”
“Well, it’s not like I can do anything about it.” Scarlet went quiet because she knew Emma was right, there is nothing she or anyone could do. It was really quiet for awhile. They just sat there in silence, until Haley came in and asked if there was something wrong. Scarlet told her mom everything that I was moving and was going to be gone in the morning and was nothing they could do about it. She came over and sat down on the bed with us. Emma found this so annoying how no matter what the question was Scarlet would just spill everything not even thinking twice about it. She would pretty much just spill her whole life story to anyone who asked.
“I’m sorry girls, but things like this happen for a reason. I just have to believe that the both of you will be okay.” Emma thought to herself. “Yeah I’ve heard that one and trust me I am not ok.”
Emma just replied “ Yeah, I hope your right. I have to get home my mom is going to get worried here soon.” Scarlet leaned over and gave her a hug.
And in Emma’s ear whispered “Don’t forget me.”
She whispered back “ How could I forget you.” Emma had been through this so many times that she didn’t even mean it. She has said the same thing to so many people that she don’t even talk to anymore. Scarlet would soon forget her and she’d have to start over. Emma ran out of the house into her car and drove over to the bridge where she and her “friends” used to hang-out. Emma looked out over the river it had gotten cloudy since this morning. When she looked at the time it was almost time for dinner.
“Mom! I’m here.” Emma yelled when she walked through the door. And that’s when she realized that everything was packed up. And she had to have everything packed up by tomorrow morning. It wouldn’t take to long she has gotten yet to packing everything up that she knows where everything goes. So she decided to start packing after dinner.
“You’re just in time for dinner come into the dining room and eat.” Emma’s mom called out to her.
“How was your day?” asked Emma’s dad.
“It was very interesting.” Emma answered.
“Why so interesting Emma?”
“Where do I start? Oh yeah, I woke up to find out we were moving. I go to say goodbye to Scarlet. When I tell we are moving tomorrow she started crying and I couldn’t say don’t worry we will be back because it would be a lie.”
“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. I just want to be like everyone else.”
“How many times do we have to tell you we can’t stay in one place.”
“Why? You haven’t told me why?”
“Because of work we have to keep moving, because of work, okay. I’m sorry.”
Emma didn’t speak  she didn’t want to upset her parents. “Why are they doing this it’s not fair” she thought to herself. Emma didn’t dare say it out loud. “May I be excused please?” Emma asked.
“Yes, you may.” Emma’s mom answered quietly.
Emma walked up the stairs to her room and started to packed. It didn’t take every long there was only five boxes and two suitcases. She grabbed everything and put it out by the front door so that when moving van came Emma wouldn’t have to worry about it.
The next morning, Emma woke-up before everyone else, which was a first for her. She walked outside and all her “friends” were outside waiting for her. They wanted to say goodbye before she left. Emma didn’t like the whole sad goodbye stuff so she gave people hugs and said goodbye and went back inside her house waiting for everyone to leave. Emma made herself breakfast when she looked out the window less people were there and the moving van pulled up. Emma walked into her parents room to tell them, but they were already up and getting ready for the move. Emma started moving her boxes into the van. Emma put one of the suitcases into her car.Then, she went back inside to help her mom with more boxes. By the time they were finished no one was there to see them off they just got in their cars and left. Emma followed behind the moving van and her parents.
She wasn’t sure where they were going yet so she followed them close. After about 4 hours of driving she called her mom and asked if they could stop at the nearest gas station.
“Hey mom can we stop at the next gas station?”
“Yeah of course.”
“Okay see you then, bye.”
“Bye, honey.”
When they stopped Emma just walked around stretching her legs and back.This was the first time she was driving to her new house. When she was done she went back out to her car and waited for her mom to start driving again. She turned the her music up and started to sing along with it. Emma’s mom started drive again. After a few more hours they stopped to stay at a hotel for the night.
Emma was so tired that she fell right to sleep she dreamt about her house in 9th grade and all of her friends. But one friend was more important than the rest. A friend that she had loved from the beginning. Emma knew that she wouldn’t see him again after the move. But on the day Emma was moving out of town he came to say goodbye and that’s when he kissed her. Emma had made the mistake of getting  too attached  to that one kiss. But, she was youngish and was in love with the idea of love.
Emma woke up scared and heart broken. Her parents were already awake and dressed.
“Mom where are we going?” Emma asked her mom.
“We are moving to New York. We should get there before 5:00pm.”
“Mom we have already lived there why are we going back?”
“Your dad has some work to finish there.”
“You guys could have picked anywhere else and you pick there.”
“Well, we didn’t pick it your dad’s boss did.”
“I hated it there!”
“I’m sorry, but we have to get moving.”
Emma started to get ready to leave. She didn’t want to go, but she also didn’t want upset her parents so she left and started following her mom again. She turned up her music and jammed all the way there. She hadn’t realized it was almost five until she saw the beautiful city of New York. Emma followed her mom to the new house it was super small. The moving van was already there though which was good. There was two parking spots in the driveway which was good too. Emma brought her stuff up into her room.There was no way all of it would fit neatly so she had to keep most of her stuff under her bed. She was already enrolled at her new school. She had to go to school the next day. Once she was done unpacking she walked down the hall to help her mom unpack out there too. “Mom?”
“I know all the other people at school won’t like me. They didn’t then why would they now?”
“They will have to give you another chance, because you’re a different person now then you were then.”
“But, Mom they aren’t  like adults they hold on to an idea of how people were.”
“You have to give them a chance too Emma. You can’t go in already knowing what you think they’ll do, because then you will make everything they say or do against you. You just have to be open minded okay.”
“Fine.”  Emma went back to unpacking. When they finished they all went out for dinner. Her mom drove them to the old diner on 6th street. They used to always eat there.  When they walked inside a few things had changed but it was pretty much the same inside and out.
“Emma” Who said that please tell me it’s not her. Emma turned around and see a girl she felt a plunge of guilt because she had no idea who was trying to talk to her. “It’s me Samantha don’t you remember me?” Emma thought to herself. “Great I think l would rather him over her.” She saw this coming, but Emma didn’t want to accept it.
“Oh yea hey Samantha it’s been so long since I’ve seen you last. How have you been?”
“I’ve been great how about you.”
“I’m good. You are so different.”
“That’s great, I hope it’s a good different.”
“Of course it is.”
“Okay well I have to get back to work talk to you later.”
“Wait, you work here now?”
“Yea, but I got to go or I won’t be anymore bye.”
“Who was that?” Emma’s mom asked.
“That was one of the reasons I didn’t want to come back.”
“She seems really nice.”
“Ughhh mom!”
“What she does?”
“You’re supposed to be on my side of things.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”
Once they were finished eating they went back “home” Emma didn’t think of it as home, but she would have to get used to it.  She picked out her outfit for her “first day of school.”
Emma woke up to the sound of her alarm that always went off at six. She took a shower, got dressed and walked out to the kitchen for breakfast. She was almost finished when her dad walked out kissed her on the forehead and wished her good luck at the new school. She walked out and started her car. Emma run inside and grabbed her backpack. On her way to school she saw a lot of faces none of them rang any bells. She felt bad because she knew they would know who she was. When she walked in the doors no one noticed which was a relief. She walked to the front desk to get her classes and locker number. So far so good no second glances. Emma was worried that one wrong person would see her and bring back old rumors or glares.
“Emma!” “Oh god who is it” Emma thought to herself scared of who it might be. Emma turned around to see Veronica. “What are you doing back here? Shouldn’t you still be out of town?”
“Well, my dad has some work to do here then we’re leaving again.”
“Okay good, things were so much better when you were gone.” Emma stayed quiet she knew it was a mistake coming back. Why did they have to drag her everywhere they had to go. “Hey, I’m talking to you have you gone deaf since you’ve been gone.” Emma just kept on walking. There was a crowd starting to form around her. “No, no, no, this can’t be happening not today.” She started to walk a little faster. “Hey, don’t walk away what about that guy you liked.” Emma stopped in her tracks, but only for a moment she didn’t want people knowing it hurt her. It was too late though people knew and were going to use it against she. She was stupid for even giving the tiniest hint. “Oh so you still like him that why you came back. I knew it HA!”
“That’s not true I told you the reason I was here.”
“Sure, your parents brought you here I bet you wanted them to “make” you come back. Just so you would have a good excuse to get back here without seeming to clinging.”
“No! That’s not true stop saying that!”
“Why are you being so defensive if it’s not? Is it because you want to make people believe you? Or because you don’t want him to know the truth.” Emma didn’t say anything she knew that anything she said would be used against her because that’s just the way Veronica was there was no stopping it now her life here was already ruined before she even walked through those doors. Emma finished the day being yelled at. And rumors were already flying if he didn’t already know he would find out. Especially because he was dating Veronica. Nothing ever worked out in her favor.
Emma drove home in tears. She was so mad that she had to come here even after she told her parents she didn’t want to come to New York. She hated it here. Emma wanted to leave and never come back. She want up to her room and screamed into her pillow. Emma’s mom came running in. Emma screamed again. Her mom came over and started to take the pillow away when she screamed again. Then layed down on her bed.
“What’s wrong Emma.” Emma’s mom asked sounding concerned. Emma didn’t talk she couldn’t without bursting into a puddle of tears. “What happened at school today?” Still nothing. “Who hurt you Emma talk to me.”
“They started rumors about me today mom, they yelled at me, and called me names, and I didn’t even have time to get to my locker before it started. I told you we should have never come back here. But I it didn’t matter.”
“Emma that’s not true why would you even think that.”
“Because mom you never listen to what I have to say. You just think about you and dad never once me.”
“We are always thinking about you Emma.”
“Were you guys thinking about me every time we moved? How hard it was going to be for me to fit in?” Emma’s mom didn’t say anything she just got up and left the room. Emma screamed into her pillow the one thought in her mind “Never, they never once thought about me.”
Emma didn’t go to dinner that night. She just sat in her room thinking. No wonder they only had one kid otherwise they would have mess up even more people's lives. They just shouldn’t have had kids at all. After they were done eating Emma’s dad came into her room.
“Emma, your mother told me about what happened between you and her today. I’m so sorry that you thought we never once thought about you when we moved. Trust me we were always thinking about you. I didn’t realize it was hurting you so much though.”
“I just hate it here in this place the people here hate me too.”
“Emma, we just have to stay here a while longer.”
“You say that every time.”
“I know but this time I mean it.”
“Good night dad.”
“Good night.”
Emma didn’t fall asleep until late that night she just could fall asleep her mind was racing at a thousand miles an hour. Thinking about the next day and how long until they move again. She couldn’t wait until they would finally be out of this place for good. She just had two more years with her parents then she could go anywhere she wanted. Live wherever she wanted.
Emma woke up to the sound of her alarm. She didn’t ever remember falling asleep last night but she was so tired that she fell back asleep. Her dad ran into her room. “What are you doing wake up I know you don’t want to go to school, but you still have to.”
“Ugh five more minutes please”
“No, you’re going to be late so get moving.”
“What time is it?”
“7:30 come on let’s go!”
“Why didn’t you wake me up sooner!” Emma’s dad walked out of the room when she started running all over the place. She got dressed and ran out the door. She sped on the way to school. She ran through the doors school hasn’t even started yet. People just stared at her. They started mumbling things. Emma didn’t have to hear them to know they were about her. “Great another fun filled day” Emma thought to herself.
She walked over to her locker and sat down in front of it. She plugged in her earbuds. Emma didn’t want to know what everyone was saying about her. Someone sat down next to her. She didn’t want to look up and see who it was. Emma continued to look down at her book.
“Emma?” asked it was a familiar voice. Emma looked up and saw her friend Evy setting across the hall. “What are you doing back?”
“Haven’t you heard already?”
“I have heard a lot of stories and I know that most of them can’t be true.”
“What have you heard?”
“I better not tell you.”
“Please Evy I have to know.”
“But I don’t want to hurt you Emma.” Emma didn’t say anything. She knew it was bad and was having second thoughts about hearing what was being said. Maybe it was better if she didn’t know. “I’m sorry Emma I just can’t.”
“It’s okay I get it.”
“You could go ask Echo.” That was the first time since they left that she heard that name. It scared her, but she knew that it was going to come up sooner or later.  Emma just didn’t want it to happen so soon. “Was that too soon, I’m sorry. I just can’t stand it when I see him and Veronica together.”
“It’s okay.” The bell rang and before Emma could look up Evy was gone. She got into her locker and headed to her first class. She walked in and there he sat in the chair closer to the back. “Where do I sit?” Emma asked the teacher.
“You sit right next to that feller in the back.” Mr. Williams answered.
“Okay, thank you.” Emma walked back and sat down in her seat.
“We have a new student joining your class.” “Ugh, out of all the classes this is the only  teacher that makes me tell the class who I am.” Emma thought to herself. “Emma would you like to stand up and tell the class a little about yourself.” “Here we go again.” Emma thought to herself.
“Umm hi, most of you guys already know me. But I am Emma.”
“Where did you live before you got here.”
“I have lived pretty much everywhere. This is the first time I have moved to a place twice. Most of the time I only stay for a year so yea.”
“Thanks Emma you can have a seat.” Emma sat back down she didn’t ever once look at Echo she didn’t want to see his face.
“Emma?” Emma couldn’t help but think. No not now I don’t want to talk. I just want to leave. “Emma?” She didn’t answer him hoping he would stop talking. “Emma?” She looked over to see Echo texting someone. Probably Veronica. She looked  back down. “Emma?” Echo said in a low voice.
“What do you want from me?”
“I know you probably don’t want to talk, but just listen to me. A lot of things have changed. I want you to know that what happened that day was..”
“No, stop talking I don’t want to hear what you have to say. You were a mistake and, because of you this move has been really hard. I just don’t want to even be around you.” Echo didn’t say anything.
After school Emma drove home and got on facebook and friended Evy and Samantha. They started talking to her. And started posting things about what they heard at school. They started tagging her in them. There was no escape from the rumors.
“Can we please leave tomorrow, please I am always moving for you guys please just this once.”
“I would have to talk to your dad at dinner, but I think we can work something out..” Emma thought to herself “Thank goodness that was way easier than I thought it would be.”
When dinner came around Emma went down to eat. “We need to move.” Emma’s mom said.
“When did this come up?”
“Our daughter said it this afternoon we need to move.”
“Why do you want to move Emma I thought you were tired of moving.”
“I need to get out of here. The people here hate me. I am always moving for you guys and I just want for you guys to move just once for me.” Emma answered and felt bad for saying it, but she had to say.
“Okay I guess if it’s what you want we can when do you want to  leave.”
“Tomorrow I want to leave tomorrow please.”
“Okay I guess we are leaving.”
After dinner she went to room room and posted on facebook “Finally I’m leaving the city of New York tomorrow.” Evy posted a commented and tagged Echo so that he would see it. “Great why does she always have to get involved with stuff. Now he will be worried ugh, wait why would he be worried.” Emma’s mind was racing, not knowing what to think. Emma just started packing things up when her mom walked in.
“There is a boy at our front door should we let him in?”
“No I will go outside it’s okay mom.”
“Okay hurry.”
Emma walked out the front door.
“Hello” Emma said Echo was facing the other way.
“Oh hi so I saw that you were leaving I was wondering if there was anything I could do or say to make you change your mind.” Emma didn’t say anything. Echo leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Today in class you wouldn’t let me finish I knew that you had already known that me and Veronica were together.”
“Yeah, when I heard what she was doing to you..”
“You heard about that.”
“Can you please let me finish.” Emma didn’t say anything just folded her arms. “Okay, well I broke up with her yesterday and well in class I was going to ask you out on a date, but it didn’t seem like you wanted to listen so I was going to wait, but I couldn’t wait any longer. So here is what I came to ask would you like to go out on a date with me this weekend, please.”
“I don’t have any idea, I mean this time moving was my idea.”
“And I understand if you don’t want to, but it would mean the world to me if you stayed here with me.”
“Hold on I will be right back.” Emma walked inside. “You can come on inside.”
“Okay” Echo said as he walked inside. Emma walked down the hall to her parents room they were packing.
“I change my mind I don’t want to move.”
“What changed your mind?”
“Well, what you said about giving people time.”
“Really yay. That makes me so happy, but are you sure it’s not because of that boy outside?”
“What boy outside?”
“Did you invite him in?”
“Well okay you guys have fun.” Emma walked back out to the living room to find Echo sitting on the couch. He stood up really fast and looked worried.
“Yes” Emma answered
“Yes? You will go out with me?”
“No, Yes I will stay I will have to think about going out with you.”
“Oh, well that’s good too.”
“Okay I’ve thought about it yes I will go out with you.”
“Yes” Echo walked over to her and kissed her. Not like their first kiss it had more meaning. Emma was shocked at first. “Sorry”
“Why are you sorry?”
“Didn’t I scare you?”
“No, I was shocked but close enough.” Echo walked over to the door.
“Goodbye Emma see you tomorrow at school right.”
“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.”Emma walked back into her room and fell right asleep.
It has almost been a year later. Emma and Echo were still dating. And surprisingly enough people at school started to be nice to her. Probably because she was dating one of the most popular guys in school, but things were going great until she realized it was almost time to move again. She started to push everyone away.
“What’s wrong.” Echo asked worried.
“Nothing is wrong!”
“Something is wrong tell me.”
“WE ARE MOVING SOON! And I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay, just calm down it will be okay.” Emma didn’t say anything. Because moving day was coming up she didn’t know when. “We are almost 18 years old. Just stay with me don’t give up on me.”
“I won’t give up on you as long as you don’t give up on me okay.”
The next morning emma’s mom walked into her room. “Emma wake-up we’re moving tomorrow.”
“You’re not upset.”
“Okay well start packing up.” Emma got up and started packing the moment her mom left the room. She started to cry. Emma tried to stop, but it was no use she called Echo.
“Echo.” Emma said crying.
“Yes. what’ wrong are you crying I’m coming over I’ll be there in five minutes.” Echo hang up the phone. Eight minutes later there was a knock on the door. My mom let him in and he came into my room. “What’s wrong I’m here talk to me.:
“We are moving tomorrow.”
“Remember what we talked about yesterday. Don’t give up on me right.”
“I know I just don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t lose me I promise. Now let me help you pack.” Once they were finished packing Emma cried into Echo’s shoulder scared that they might never see each other and that he might break his promise to her. Finally Emma looked up tears gone.
“Why did you help me pack?” Emma asked nervously.
“Because I didn’t want to sit and watch you do everything.”
“Are you sure it’s not because of the girl I saw you cheat on me with three days ago?”
“What you saw that? It was just once babe please give me a second chance?”
“Get out of my house!”
“You heard me get out of my house.”
“Fine.” Echo got up and walked out the door. More tears fell down her cheeks. The moving van came the next day and they packed up all their boxes and left. Just like that no sign that they even lived there just the people’s memory’s of them. Some good and some were bad, but these memories are what make me who I am.
By, Rylie Young